Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December already?

Suprisingly the weather has been quite nice here in CC. We've had a few days of rain, so we've kept the tarps on the house for the most part. We've got one last section of roof that needs our 2X8's, so we've just been folding the tarp back from that section so we can work on it. Leonard was over on Saturday again so he and Dana got to be up on the roof while I ran the Gradall.

Here the guys are cutting the cedar fascia to put up on the front and sides of the dormer.

Here the guys are fitting all of the 2X8's in the valley on the south side of the dormer.

Dana and Leonard got the valleys on the south and north side of the dormer finished on Saturday. Then on Sunday I got to be the helper on the roof and we got some more of the 2X8's put up, working toward the edge of the dormer at the front of the house. We still have all of the blocking to do out on the edge of the dormer (I think there's pictures of what that looks like in my earlier postings from working on the other dormer). We had to quit early on Sunday afternoon because it started sprinkling a bit and got really slippery up on the roof. So we called it quits and pulled the tarp back over that section. We finished out the day working inside the house, we had one last window to frame up and get covered. We've been doing a little bit of work inside the house each night after work, but of course the bulk of it is still getting done on Saturday and Sunday. We'll have another full weekend again this coming weekend if the rains stay away. It's been a pretty dry winter so far, I hear we are really behind on our average rainfall, which is just fine by me! We'll cross our fingers that it stays this way for a while!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Finishing out November

Here are some more pictures and an update on our November progress:

We broke down and bought the Gradall that we used all summer. It just makes things so much easier, especially when Dana and I are trying to work by ourselves.

The winter rains have made parts of our yard a muddy mess.
A friend of ours has been nice enough to bring us some wood chips to spread out around the house. (Thanks Gavin!)
And, the dads have been playing around some more with the tractor. We've taken out some more of the alder trees close to the house, so they've been working on taking those stumps out.

Unfortunately I don't have many more pictures from this month. Dana's been putting me to work quite a bit, so I don't have much chance to take pictures. We've still been trying to work as much as we can, but of course it's getting dark around 5 now, so we don't have much daylight during the week. We spent the whole Thanksgiving weekend working on little things around the house. The weather was really nice over the weekend so we sprayed the house again. We had 2 coats of stain on there, but still needed to put the clear up. We got one coat of clear sprayed on about 1/2 of the house by Sunday night. And we pulled the tarps off of the roof to finish up some little things. We had some more blocking to finish on the roof and more A35 clips...I think we must have put up about 400+ of those now. It seems like there's still lots of little things to finish up that you just never get around to. Those little things take up a lot of time and don't show any progress! We got most of those things done and then on Monday morning we woke up to the prediction of rain! So, we scrambled around that morning to get the tarps spread back over the roof. We made it, and luckily so, because it actually rained pretty hard throughout Monday night. Everything stayed nice and dry though!

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!