Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Our time right now is spent working on the roof system. Dana and Leonard have been putting up the 2X8's which are the foundation of the roof system. After the 2X8's go hundreds of A35 clips (little brackets to hold the 2X8's down), then our recessed lighting fits down in between the 2X8's, followed by the insulation, plywood, tar paper and finally, shingles.

Here the guys are working on the shed dormer. We've got the 2X8's and all of the A35 clips finished on this dormer. This was the easy one...only a 4/12 pitch roof. All of the other sections of the roof will be much harder - the rest is all 10/12 pitch.
Here's Leonard and Dana working on one of the valleys. Lots of extra angles and cutting here.
Working on the master bedroom dormer.
One side of the dormer done! (No A35 clips yet though...we've still got to find a way to put those up without falling off the roof)

Putting up the facia on the north side of the house. Gotta love having a man-lift and Gradall to help! It makes things much easier!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


One of the big projects to get the house ready for winter is staining all of the logs. This doesn't sound like too horrible of a job, but it is a real pain in the rear! It is very time consuming as it has to be sprayed on and then back-brushed. (Like, meaning with a little, bitty paint brush by HAND!) If it's not back-brushed you get streaks over the house. The entire house gets two coats of stain, then a coat of special sealer over the log ends and then a coat of clear over the top. Here's some pictures of the staining process.

The other major project is getting a roof completed. Here's some pictures of Dana and Leonard working on the roof system over the shed dormer.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

September progress

So, my original plan to post updates at least once a week has failed. At this point, I'll be lucky if I post once a month!

Here are a few more pictures from September. There's not much new to see. Everything seems to be going so slow right now, and we took some time off to go hunting.

The entire second story gets sheeted with plywood. When we get a chance we will cut the holes for the windows and then finish with half-logs over the top of the plywood. And, here are some pics of the inside of the house.