Thursday, July 23, 2009

More header work...

We spent days putting up these headers, so here are more pictures.
Each header has to be centered and leveled. Then you have to drill a hole so your lag bolt can go all the way through the header into the log below....a tornado couldn't blow this thing away there's so much metal holding it together!

Here's Dana's crazy dad working with him up on the platform.

My crazy Dad running the equipment.

Frank, again, running a string line for who knows what. I've lost count of how many rolls of string we've gone through...

Dana is just as happy as can be sitting up on top of those logs!

In case you were wondering...

how Dana made those fancy corners fit together so well. After the first log is up you can stand on the Gradall platform and cut off the end with a chainsaw. You know where your outside corner should be, so this part is easy.

This part: easy as well! All you have to do is balance on the log 14 feet in the air and try to get your chainsaw all the way around the log you are working on.
Don't worry, the Gradall is there to catch you if you fall backwards...just don't fall the other way.

Then you can cut your other log and hope, hope, hope that they fit together just right!

And of course they do! See how simple this too can build your own log house!

Ok, ok, so there might have been a little more cutting and a lot more grinding to get them to fit...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Setting up headers

Finally after setting up all of the porch beams, we can move on to the headers. I just have to say that I love, love, love, love the Gradall! This is absolutely the most useful thing that we have purchased. Although, as you can see, a little man power is still necessary once in a while!

Getting the headers all lined up and centered on the beams. I just can not even imagine how we would do this if we didn't have that Gradall.

The perfect corners that Dana meticulously cut and sanded to fit so well together!

View of the back from the loft windows.


A while back while we were working inside the house building walls. I got stung by something. I was standing on the stairs taking a creative picture of the guys below me when something buzzed my ear and landed on my shoulder. It then proceeded to sting/bite me on the neck and a couple of times on my back. Holy cow it hurt!! After that we bug bombed the house. We found a bunch of dead flies but never anything that could have stung me like that. Flash forward to today. Apparently hornets decided to take nest up by the roof. They built a huge nest up next to our ridge beam. So we bought some spray that was supposed to spray 20 feet. Dana crawled up on a ladder in the middle of the night to spray them. The spray only sprayed about 5 feet. The hornets are 27 feet in the air! So Dana had to crawl up on the Gradall platform to spray them. They got mad! A couple of them thumped Dana in the chest while he was spraying so we decided that was enough for tonight. This was what we found when we got up in the morning:

They were everywhere. But somehow we didn't kill all of them because they've come back twice more now to rebuild their nest. We finally bought some different spray and it seems that they might possibly be gone for good. Lets hope so, because we're spending a lot of time building the porch on that side of the house and I don't want to get stung again! Yuck!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Porch work

All the logs are uncovered and sorted out. These are the logs we're using for the porch posts. They all had to be squared off (as much as a log can be squared off), cut and sanded smooth on the bottom. The bottoms of each log got treated with copper green and got a piece of pressure treated wood screwed on. Each piece of pressure treated was cut with the jigsaw to fit the bottom of the log.

The pressure treated fit pretty well by the time we were done.

While the Gradall is great for moving logs around, sometimes they just need to be man-handled. Each log had a hole drilled in the bottom of it to set down on the piece of rebar sticking up out of the concrete posts.

The logs all stood up pretty quickly. I think we had them all standing after just a couple of days after work.

Next up: headers and rafters!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer time!

Apparently I'm a little behind on my blogging again. Since I've been getting hassled by some who frequent this blog (you know who you are) here are some more pictures of what's been going on around here.

We're working on the interior walls upstairs. Here's Bandit guarding the newly purchased lumber for those walls.
Finally the sun has come out a little bit around here. It wasn't a bad winter, but it just has stayed wet for so long we've been too nervous to pull out the logs from under the tarps. But since we've finally got the concrete work done, it's time to get started on the porch. Even with heavy equipment it can take all day to move piles of logs around. I still feel so lucky that we were able to purchase the Gradall. I really have no idea how people build houses without something like this!

These are the logs we will be using to build the porch with.
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