Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We're ok...

So I hear grumblings that people out there are worried about us because I haven't posted in so long. Really I didn't even realize that I haven't posted since August!

Things have been CRAZY around here. I've been working late most nights because I am so busy at work. Don't get me wrong-that's a good thing. Especially in this kind of real estate market. But, that puts me behind on everything that demands my attention at home.

I do have some more pictures of the progress we've made on the house, but they are still on my camera. I promise I will make my best effort to get them on here one of these days. We're at the point on the house where the progress is harder to see. There's a lot of little things to be done right now that I'm sure you won't want to see pictures of (except for you Papa!).

I've also been having to work on the house more, so I can't be behind the camera as much. This week I learned to run the Grad-all, and I must say, I'm getting pretty good with a hammer...or at least the air-powered nail gun. :)

It's nice to know that so many of you are watching my blog. Leave us some comments so we know what you think of the house! We'd love to hear your thoughts...only the good ones, of course! And I do promise to update this as soon as I can. Don't give up on me!


Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

Trust me, do I EVER understand about being busy!! I can't wait to see you guys, and to see the house up close and in person!

Mountain Home Quilts said...

I was wondering about you two! :) Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see more pics! I guess I could just drive 1 minute down the road and find out first hand but you know how that goes..........