Sunday, May 31, 2009

Filling in low spots

We put a couple of dump trailer loads of dirt on the north side of the house. It took quite a bit of dirt to bring it up, and even then we were still lower than we wanted to be.

There's Bandit again, we still couldn't get him out of that trailer! I think he really likes to lay on the cool dirt. Luckily with the dump trailer we didn't have to do too much shoveling, but some of the dirt stuck in there. It was still really damp.
Here's where we built up the dirt around the forms that sat so high off the ground.
You can see here just how soupy that side of the house was. With so much rain it never dried out and that's the main road to the back yard, so everytime we drove over it, it just got worse and worse. It's been a couple of weeks now since we've really had any rain, so it's dried out quite a bit since then.
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