Monday, June 28, 2010


Yes, amazingly we are still building a house. Curiously enough it seems that my blog posts dropped off sometime before hunting season began and then just never started again. We of course took some time off working on the house for hunting season and then the rains came and not much more work got done on the house. We did actually get some work done inside the house during the winter time and now that summer is here again we are seeing some more progress. So for those of you in far away lands (Indiana, anyone? Ohio, maybe?) I'll try to bring you up to speed.

We did a little work framing inside the house. This picture is looking north at my master bathroom wall.

This picture is looking west at my master bathroom & walk-in closet wall. Bath is on the left, closet on the right.

This picture is looking south toward the loft area and you can see on the left, there is no floor. That is where the living room is open to the ceiling. The master bath wall is on the right.

We didn't get too much done inside before we made it back outside to work on the porch some more. When we put up the porch rafters we left them long because we hadn't yet decided how long we wanted the overhang to be.

This is where it gets technical:

Just look at the precision.

And the final product:

Even though it doesn't look like it, there really was a string line, measuring tape and level involved in the process.

Oh, and hunting season wasn't a complete waste of time:

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