Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Diamond Lake

So, we haven't really been working on the house lately. I have no updates, no new pictures. The only thing that I can say about the house right now is that it is staying pretty dry inside throughout the wonderful rain storms we get here in CC. Since there's not an update on the house, I thought I'd give you an update on us.

We didn't have the greatest Christmas. Hagen got sick while we were in Redding and we took him to the vet there. Turns out he was pretty sick (we had no idea before this weekend). Long story short (and it makes me too sad to tell it anymore) we had to put him to sleep. Most of you know that we had Hagen for almost 8 years, so it was really hard for us to do it. It's been quite an adjustment for us and Bandit not having him here anymore.

Dana and I have both been really busy at work. Dana's got a new boat in the shop - the Roller Bay. And surprisingly, lots of people still want mortgages right now. I've been working longer days to keep up and it's been a little draining. We decided to take last weekend off from all responsibility and went up to Diamond Lake, Oregon to ride our quads in the snow. The weather and the snow were both perfect and we had a great time. We haven't taken the quads anywhere in a while because we were so busy working on the house, but it was definitely time to get away.

There are lots of trails at Diamond Lake that are groomed for quads and snowmobiles. We were definitely the odd-man out with our quads. Most people there had brand-new snowmobiles and expensive enclosed trailers.

Keep in mind that it was REALLY cold and I'm wearing like 17 layers of clothes. Yes, I'm still working out, no I haven't gained any weight. Although you really can't tell that by this picture.
The Umpqua River. We had lunch here on Sunday.
One of the beautiful trails we rode our quads down at full speed.

We had so much fun last weekend that we're going to try to get up there again before the snow melts.
We've had some really nice weather so far this week. If it holds out through the weekend we might get some more work done on the house. It's so hard to be motivated during the winter, but we've got so much work still ahead of us. We'll get back to it one of these days!


Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

I'm so sorry about Hagen, he was such a great dog,I know you're going to miss him.


Mountain Home Quilts said...

Sounds like it's been rough without Hagen. I'm sorry for your loss. It did look like you guys had a good timein the snow and the photos you took up there are great!