Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More progress.

Yes, we have still been working on the house, although you couldn't tell by looking at the blog...

Since my last post, Dana has finished laying the tongue and groove on the dormer over looking the living room:

The finished dormer from the inside - looking from the second story loft area.

Dad sanding for a smooth finish to lay the tongue and groove down.

That's me in the background standing on a load of tongue and groove - on the forklift approximately 25 feet in the air!

Dana and Leonard nailing down the tongue and groove on the shed dormer.

Working until late, as always!

Here are Dana and I standing on top of the forklift again...scary.

Especially considering this is the crazy guy running the thing!!

We finished out the week by cutting off all of the long pieces of tongue and groove all around the house. Next step: roofing and framing in for all of the windows and doors!

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